How We can Help

Eye Conditions

At KWM Eyecare, our primary concern is the health of your eyes. All our doctors take the necessary time to listen to and evaluate any concerns you may have related to your eyes. After hearing from you, we’ll carefully evaluate the health of all parts of your eye including the lids, conjunctiva, cornea, lens, vitreous, and retina in order to properly assess the health of your eyes.

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We actively monitor
and treat conditions such as:


Often called the silent thief of vision, Glaucoma is a condition that slowly robs an individual of their peripheral vision. In its early stages, glaucoma does not have symptoms of decreased vision or pain and cannot be detected by an individual.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. With incidence of diabetes increasing greatly in the US, the importance of regular eye exams cannot be overstated. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy can prevent progression to levels that can rob a person of their sight. We at KWM are experts at detecting early signs of this disease in the eye. With our cutting edge Optomap imaging and thorough examinations of the retina, we can help you identify signs of diabetic changes before they cause irreversible damage to the eye. With appropriate discussion of lifestyle changes and appropriate referrals to primary care providers, endocrinologists, and retina specialists, we can help patients maintain the incredible gift of sight.

Retinal Detachment

A retinal detachment is a serious condition and requires immediate attention. If you notice flashes accompanied by many new floaters or a curtain or veil over your field of vision, you may be experiencing a retinal detachment. A retinal detachment can lead to significant loss of vision and should be treated as an ocular emergency. At KWM, we prioritize evaluations of these symptoms and will work you in to our schedule as soon as possible to rule out any serious problems with your retina. We have excellent relationships with local retina specialists and will work hard to get you the care that you need. Individuals with high prescriptions, those who were born prematurely, and those with retinal disease are at a higher risk for detachment.

Vitreal Floaters and Degeneration

Over time, the gel that fills the posterior part of your eye can break down and shrink. As this process occurs, you may notice small specks, threads, or clouds present in your field of vision. These are known as “floaters” and are usually harmless. Most people will notice or have noticed a floater in their eye at some point. If you observe new floaters or begin to detect flashes of light in the eye that increase in frequency, you may be experiencing vitreous degeneration or a posterior vitreous detachment. If you experience significant flashing and the onset of many new floaters, you should contact us immediately to rule out the slight chance that you are experiencing a retinal detachment. While a vitreous detachment is a benign process, retina detachment can result in a loss of vision. If caught quickly, a retinal detachment can be treated by a retinal specialist and significant vision loss can be avoided.

Corneal Dystrophy

The cornea is composed of several distinct tissue layers. A disruption of any one of these layers is known as a corneal dystrophy. Often these disruptions can worsen over time. Corneal dystrophies can be treated with special eye drops and timely surgical management. We can help you decide which treatment options are best for you and when you may need to consider surgical options.

Dry Eye

Dry eye is one of the most common complaints we hear at KWM Eyecare. It is described as eyes that feel like they are burning, itching, gritty, or hard to keep open. Some dry eye is caused by insufficient tear production, while other forms of dry eye are caused by a missing component of the tear film. Appropriate diagnosis requires several tests that will help your doctor decide which of these situations is causing your problem. Treatment can include use of artificial tears to bulk up your tear film, or medications that facilitate increased production of your own tear film.

Corneal abrasions

A scratch or injury to the clear surface of the eye. Corneal abrasions are quite painful and can cause severe light sensitivity. Patients who have scratched their cornea require protective treatment with an antibiotic eye drop as well as measures to decrease pain and light sensitivity. Many patients require a bandage contact lens to help the eye heal quickly and without unnecessary discomfort. If necessary, all of the doctors at KWM are qualified to remove foreign bodies that may have become embedded within the cornea.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis is an infection or inflammation of the thin membrane that protects the white part of the eye. Pink eye can be caused by many different problems including viral and bacterial sources, allergens, and environmental stresses. The appropriate treatment of pink eye depends on accurate and timely diagnosis. We encourage all individuals to seek care from a licensed eye care specialist to avoid misdiagnosis and delayed healing. Depending on the type of pink eye, appropriate treatment can include topical antibiotics, antivirals, steroids, and antihistamines.‍

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids)

Heaviness of the upper eyelid that distracts from a person's superior field of vision or sense of aesthetic appearance. Individuals who test positive for superior field restriction can be referred to an eyelid specialist who can perform surgery on the eyelids to correct this problem.


Dry, raw, and irritated skin around the eye. Blepharitis is similar to Eczema and can cause discomfort, itching, redness, and grittiness around the eye. It can be treated with various types of natural lid hygiene protocols as well as with prescription ointments.

Worried About
Your Eyes?

KWM Eyecare merges personalized eye care and the latest technologies to make sure your eyes stay as healthy as they can be.

doctor performing eye exam